Yes you can!
The voice is a gift. It is an attribute that only humans have, as a means of communication through the spoken word. It is what differentiates us from other living beings, allowing us to express a wide range of feelings, be it because we are happy, upset, anxious, angry, euphoric or suffering. It is our voice that allows us to express our ideas and our desires, as well as to exercise our power of persuasion. A voice possesses physical, biological, and psycho-emotional characteristics, which, as a whole, should reach the listener's ear in a graceful manner, so that we can thus call this a normal or adapted voice.
The voice should be consistent with age, sex, and physique, and should have flexibility, intonation, musicality and intensity appropriate for certain moments.
Some voices are too hoarse, rough, breathy, and others, very sharp (thin), strident, causing the listener a sense of invasion and auditory discomfort. There are several causes for these changes. Generally, they are benign conditions, easily treated with surgery and return to normal within days.
Inadequate voices can generate a feeling of inferiority and insecurity, bringing problems of adaptation and acceptance in social and professionasl settings. Elderly people are recognized as such when their voice becomes feeble. A program of preventive or corrective vocal health care can be offered to elderly people in order to avoid the aging voice. It is worth noting that children with hoarse voice or voice changes make the laughinstock of the school, and turns out to be a stigma for them, which they sometimes carry for a lifetime.
The study and evaluation of the changes and diseases of the vocal folds is performed in the otorhinolaryngology cabinet, using noninvasive devices, and allowing the visualization of the vocal cords.The introduction of modern, rigid and flexible, optical fiber, and strobe light sources and videostrobocopy allow to detect or not the presence of changes in its relief and function in an increasingly accurate and correct way.
>From a confirmed diagnosis, and a well conducted multiprofessional therapy with the cooperation of the patient, the individual will have great chances of regaining a voice that pleases him/her.The laryngology, practiced by a group of professionals, including the otorhinolaryngologist and the speech-language therapist, holds great therapeutic prospects for these patients.