Bipolar disorder
Related names:
Maníaco-depressive psychosis; affective disorder or bipolar disease, including specific types of diseases or disorders of humor, like cyclothymia, hypoodd habit and mixed disorder of humor.
What is bipolar disorder?
Until recently known like maníaco-depressive psychosis, the bipolar disorder is characterized per periods of depressive pictures, typically severe, alternating itself with periods of symptoms that are against to those of the depression that is, euphoric humor, with many activities, sometimes, doing purchases, carrying out elevated desnecesarios expenses, sensation of omnipotencia, accompanied, often, by insomnia, speaking much more that the habitual thing. These pictures are known like odd habit. As much the periods of depression as of odd habit can persist weeks, months or years. In general, the individual with this disease has during its life, some episodes of odd habit and others of depression. It is important to be left that the odd habit in the medical sense clear, is different from the odd habit for I bequeath, meaning for the this habits that often the people repeat frequently.
That causes the bipolar disorder?
Like for other disorders of humor, the basic causes for the bipolar disorder are not known completely. One knows that the factors biological (relative to the cerebral neurotransmitters), genetic, social and psychological are added to produce the disease. Generally, the biological and genetic factors can determine as the individual reacts to psychological and social stress, staying normal or driving the disease. The bipolar upheaval of humor has an important genetic characteristic, in such a way that the familiar tendency of the disease can be observed.
How pronounces the bipolar upheaval of humor?
Most showy of the bipolar disorder they are the episodes of odd habit that can be alternated, in general, throughout the years, with the depression. The episodes begin to pronounce themselves, generally around the 15 to 25 years, with many cases of women who begin between 45 and 50 years. The frequency between the men and the women, nevertheless, is equal. Sometimes the individual that presents/displays odd habit samples demonstrates an abnormal and persistently high, expansive and excessively euphoric humor, cheers and with irritability and episódicos fits of rage, in contrast to periods of normality before the beginning of the disease. In addition, there is a huge self-esteem (the individual feels powerful and able of everything), with little necessity of dream (sensation rested in spite of little sleeping), excessively talkative, saying, sometimes, incomprehensible things (because the speed of the speech is too fast) and not concentrating in a subject or task to be made.
Hay other forms with which the bipolar disorder can be pronounced?
Three other forms exist by which the bipolar disorder can be pronounced, in addition to the net episodes of odd habit and depression. One first form is the hypoodd habit, in which also it happens state of elevated humor, expansive, euphoric, although smoother. Different from the odd habit, a hipomaniaco episode, is not sufficiently severe to cause the social or labor weakening, nor to even require hospitalization of the individual.
One second form is the presentation of the bipolar upheaval of humor with occurrence of mixed episodes, where the individual would alternate between the depression and the odd habit in he himself day. In some hours the person can cry, remain sad, desperate and without value, whereas the next moment is with an euphoric humor, feeling powerful or irritated, talkative and aggressive.
The third form is the ciclotímico disorder or hardly cyclothymia, that consists of chronic and fluctuating oscillations of humor, marked per innumerable periods that alternate between the maníacos symptoms and the depressive symptoms. Such depressive and maníacos symptoms would not be sufficiently severe, nor would happen frequently enough so that one is certified respectively that it is depression and odd habit. It could, therefore, to be confused easily with the way of the person to behave, marked by instability of humor.
How diagnoses the bipolar disorder?
The diagnosis of the bipolar disorder is due to do by a medical psychiatrist in base of the symptoms of the patient. Any projection of image or laboratory test does not exist that helps in the diagnosis. The metering of lithium in the blood is only made in the individuals that use carbonate of lithium like treatment, to evaluate the answer to the medication.
How treats the bipolar disorder?
The treatment, after a diagnosis has become exact, is reached through the medication, with a type of drugs known like “stabilizers of humor”. A psychiatric support is due to maintain for a long period. Some forms of psycotherapy can contribute to the treatment.