ARTHROSIS Mauro Keiserman, MD. Rheumatology Specialist by the Brazilian Society of Rheumatology. Synonyms: osteoarthrosis, osteoarthritis, degenerative joint disease. What is it? It’s the most frequently found joint disease, and the cartilage is the tissue initially altered. The cartilage is attached to the surface of the bones that articulate with each other. It’s formed by… Continuar lendo ARTHROSIS
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ACUTE APPENDICITIS What’s it? Acute appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix. The appendix is a vermiform structure that derives from the first portion of the large intestine. Its lengthy ranges by around 10 cm and it is located in the lower part of the abdomen. The appendix has a canal in its interior that… Continuar lendo ACUTE APPENDICITIS
STEM CELLS What are stem cells? They are immature cells able to reproduce and differentiate themselves in various tissues. They are also called mother-cells. They can be: Embryonic: They are able to reproduce quickly, giving origin to all types of differentiated tissues. Adults: Mature cells that reproduce more slowly, the most well-known… Continuar lendo STEM CELLS
MEASLES What is it? A highly contagious infectious disease, measles belongs to the group of diseases manifesting themselves by marked skin alterations, erythematous exanthem (red skin, with plaques that tend to unite) and compromising several organs. Measles is caused by a virus called morbili vírus. How is it Spread? Men and monkeys are the only… Continuar lendo MEASLES
MALNUTRITION Ércio Oliveira, MD. Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Rio Grande do Sul State University School of Medicine (UFRGS). Pediatrics Specialist by the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics. Ércio Filho, MD., MA in Pediatrics by the Rio Grande do Sul State University (UFRGS). Malnutrition may be the result of either a poor diet or an… Continuar lendo MALNUTRITION
DOWN'S SYNDROME (TRISOMY 21) Ércio Filho, MD., MA in Pediatrics by the State University Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). What's it? Down's syndrome is the most common form of mental retardation caused by a microscopically demonstrable chromosomal abnormality. It's characterized by well defined phenotypic aspects and natural history. It's caused by the occurrence of a… Continuar lendo DOWN’S SYNDROME (TRISOMY 21)
CHICKENPOX Alternative name: varicella What’s it? Chickenpox is a highly contagious infectious disease caused by a virus called varicella-zoster. This virus can cause several types of infections: primary (well-established chickenpox), latent (without clinical manifestation), and reactivation. This virus remains in our body for the whole life as though it were sleeping; its reactivation determines a… Continuar lendo CHICKENPOX
DEPRESSION Ana Galvão Abuchaim, MD. Psychiatry Specialist by the Brazilian Association of Psychiatry (ABP).Claúdio Moogen Abuchaim, MD., Psychiatry Specialist by the Brazilian Association of Psychiatry (ABP). Synonyms and related terms: Depressive disorder, major depression, unipolar depression, including differentiated types of depression as well, such as severe depression, psychotic depression, atypical depression, endogenous depression, melancholy, seasonal… Continuar lendo DEPRESSION
BULIMIA NERVOSA Sinonyms: Bulimia, eating disorders What is it? People with bulimia nervosa typically eat a large amount of food (compulsive overeating or bulimic episodes) and then use compensatory methods, such as self-induced vomiting, laxatives and/or diuretics and the practice of excessive exercise, as a way to prevent weight gain for exaggerated fear of getting… Continuar lendo BULIMIA NERVOSA
Bipolar disorder Related names: Maníaco-depressive psychosis; affective disorder or bipolar disease, including specific types of diseases or disorders of humor, like cyclothymia, hypoodd habit and mixed disorder of humor. What is bipolar disorder? Until recently known like maníaco-depressive psychosis, the bipolar disorder is characterized per periods of depressive pictures, typically severe, alternating itself with periods… Continuar lendo BIPOLAR DISORDER