ANOREXIA NERVOSA Synonyms Anorexia, eating disorders What is it? Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder of the person who has a desperate search for skinniness. It makes the person use strategies to lose weight causing a great thinness. These patients present a great fear of getting fat even being extremely skinny. In most of the… Continuar lendo ANOREXIA NERVOSA
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TETANUS What is it? It is a severe infection caused by the toxin of a bacterium called clostridium that enters the organism through skin lesions such as wounds, scratches, animal bites. Tetanus is not a contagious disease. How does one acquire it? The bacterium is found in the feces of animals, or humans, deposited in… Continuar lendo TETANUS
LEPTOSPIROSIS Jae En Chung, M.D., Infectology Specialist. Alternative names: Canine typhus, Stuttgart disease. What is it? Infectious disease with involvement of several organs of the body, caused by bacteria called Leptospira. How is it acquired? Rodents are the main reservoirs of the disease. Bovine, ovine and caprine cattle act as carriers. Transmission occurs… Continuar lendo LEPTOSPIROSIS
GIARDIASIS Alternative names: Giardia infection; Traveler's diarrhea; Giardia lamblia; G Lamblia What is it? Intestinal infection caused by a one-celled protozoan restricted to the small intestine and biliary tract. This parasite presents in the trophozoites form, which are active forms living and reproducing themselves in the host, and in the cyst form – the parasite's… Continuar lendo GIARDIASIS
DENGUE What is it? It´s an infectious febrile disease caused by a subtype of a virus called Arbovirus. How is it acquired? The disease is transmitted by the sting of a mosquito of the genus Aedes. It isn´t transmitted by direct contact from person to person, nor by water or food. What does one experience?… Continuar lendo DENGUE
SUDDEN DEATH Sudden death is the one that occurs unexpectedly both in sick and healthy people. It happens between the onset of symptoms and the moment the individual is confirmed dead. Notice that death is considered sudden only if no signs of violence or trauma are found. If the individual is found dead within the… Continuar lendo SUDDEN DEATH
How to lower the cholesterol risk factor In the United States, the number of people affected by cardiovascular diseases is decreasing year after year, thanks to the dietary corrections people are adopting. In order to correct your diet habits seek to know what are saturated fats (they increase bad cholesterol (LDL) levels, and unsaturated (do… Continuar lendo HOW TO LOWER THE CHOLESTEROL RISK FACTOR
HEART FAILURE What’s it? The heart is a muscle formed by two halves, the right and the left one. When one of these cavities fails to pump, becoming unable to send forward all the blood it receives, we call it heart failure. Heart failure isn’t a heart disease per se. It’s the inability of the… Continuar lendo HEART FAILURE
HEART ATTACK Also called myocardial infarction. What is it? Myocardial infarction takes place when the blood supply to a part of the cardiac muscle is reduced or cut altogether. This happens when a coronary artery is either contracted or partially or totally obstructed. With total or partial suppression of blood supply to the heart muscle,… Continuar lendo HEART ATTACK
Cholesterol and Fibers Fiber in the foods tend to reduce cholesterol absorption by the intestines and thus the blood cholesterol levels. Fibers can be soluble and insoluble. Fibers can found mainly in foods derived from plants and their principal composition is cellulose. A fiber-rich diet, in addition to helping prevent cardiovascular diseases, it also helps… Continuar lendo CHOLESTEROL AND FIBERS