URINARY INFECTION Otto Busato, M.D. Internal Medicine and Nephrology Specialist by the Brazilian Medical Association. MA/PH.D., Rio Grande do Sul State University (UFRGS). Associate Professor at the Rio Grande do Sul State University School of Medicine (UFRGS). Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the main causes for visiting a doctor, and is second only… Continuar lendo URINARY INFECTION
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URIC ACID Otto Busato, M.D. Internal Medicine and Nephrology Specialist by the Brazilian Medical Association. MA/PH.D., Rio Grande do Sul State University (UFRGS). Associate Professor at the Rio Grande do Sul State University School of Medicine (UFRGS). Uric acid (UA) is a weak acid and its ionized form, monosodium urate, is the form found in… Continuar lendo URIC ACID
KIDNEY AND DIABETES MELLITUS Alternative names: diabetic nephropathy, diabetic renal disease Diabetic nephropathy represents currently the main cause of terminal kidney failure. Amongst us, 25% of the patients on hemodialysis suffer from diabetic nephropathy. In addition to this elevated prevalence, nephropathy in diabetics is associated with a high frequency of death by other causes, mainly… Continuar lendo KIDNEY AND DIABETES MELLITUS
EDEMA Alternative name: Swelling The volume of body fluids represents 60 to 70% of a young thin individual’s weight. In elderly obese, the volume is smaller: 50 to 60%. The fluids are distributed in 40% inside the cell (intracellular) and 20% outside the cell (extracellular). Of the 20% that are outside the cell, 5% occur… Continuar lendo EDEMA
ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION The heart’s an effective pump that beats 60 to 80 times per minute all life long and propels 5 to 6 liters of blood per minute to the whole body. Arterial pressure is the force with which the heart pumps the blood that exits it and the resistance the blood encounters to circulate… Continuar lendo ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION
VAGINAL DISCHARGE What’s it? Also called vaginitis or vulvovaginitis, it consists of changes characterized by na abnormal vaginal flow, usually with increased volume, with or without unpleasant odor, irritation, itching or burning in the vagina or vulva, along with the need of constant urination. It’s one of the most common gynecological problems and one of… Continuar lendo VAGINAL DISCHARGE
PREGNANCY DIAGNOSIS In a woman’s life, the diagnosis of pregnancy is the one that causes the most intense emotions: from joy and sensation of wellness to deep sadness and feeling of helplessness. Any doctor assisting women at reproductive age must always ask themselves: is she pregnant? The failure in identifying pregnancy often leads to unsuitable… Continuar lendo PREGNANCY DIAGNOSIS
PREGNANCY AND MOST FREQUENT COMPLAINTS Most of the following complaints diminish or disappear without the use of medication. Medication should be avoided to the maximum. Where these complaints do not disappear or become persistent, they might be manifestations of more complex diseases. Nauseas and vomits They are common at the beginning of pregnancy. When they… Continuar lendo PREGNANCY AND MOST FREQUENT COMPLAINTS
ENDOMETRIOSIS Helena Corleta, MD., Obstretics & Gynecology Specialist. General Surgery Specialist. Ph.D. in Human Reproduction by Ludwig Maximilian University-Germany. What is it? Endometriosis is a benign condition characterized by the presence of endometrial tissue (the tissue that covers the womb internally) outside the uterine cavity. How does it develop? The exact cause is unknown. A… Continuar lendo ENDOMETRIOSIS
CHLAMYDIA, GONORRHEA, TRICHOMONIASIS AND GENITAL HERPES -WOMEN’S STD Helena Corleta, MD. Gynecology & Obstetrics Specialist. General Surgery Specialist. Ph.D. in Human Reproduction by Ludwig Maximilian University-Germany. Trichomoniasis Caused by a motile protozoon, Trichomonas vaginalis. It’s regarded as an STD (sexually transmitted disease). The most common symptom is a greenish or grayish, abundant, foamy and smelly… Continuar lendo CHLAMYDIA, GONORRHEA, TRICHOMONIASIS AND GENITAL HERPES