ARTHROSIS Mauro Keiserman, MD. Rheumatology Specialist by the Brazilian Society of Rheumatology.   Synonyms: osteoarthrosis, osteoarthritis, degenerative joint disease. What is it? It’s the most frequently found joint disease, and the cartilage is the tissue initially altered. The cartilage is attached to the surface of the bones that articulate with each other. It’s formed by… Continuar lendo ARTHROSIS


Fibromyalgia What’s it? Fibromyalgia is characterized by chronic diffuse muscle or tendon pain at tender points of specific anatomic localization. What are the main symptoms? The symptoms are general pain and one or two of the following:   easy fatigability superficial and non-restorative sleep (the individual wakes up more tired than when he/she went to… Continuar lendo FIBROMYALGIA


GOUT Mauro Keiserman, MD. Rheumatology Specialist by the Brazilian Society of Rheumatology. Head Professor of Rheumatology at the Catholic University School of Medicine (PUC-RS). Gout is a disease characterized by the elevation of uric acid in the bloodstream and outbreaks of acute arthritis secondary to the deposition of monosodium urate crystals. The normal concentration of… Continuar lendo GOUT


LUMBAR PAIN   Mauro Keiserman, MD. Rheumatology Specialist by the Brazilian Society of Rheumatology. Head Professor of Rheumatology at the Catholic University School of Medicine (PUC-RS).   Synonyms: Lumbago Eighty per cent of the human beings feel lumbar pain (lumbago) at some point in their lives. A smaller number suffers from cervical pain (neck) and… Continuar lendo LUMBAR PAIN


Pain in the knees Mauro Keiserman, MD. Rheumatology Specialist by the Brazilian Society of Rheumatology. Head Professor of Rheumatology at the Catholic University School of Medicine (PUC-RS). Arthritis of the knees What are the causes of knee pain? Pain in the knee is extremely frequent. There are several causes. Some are very common and easy… Continuar lendo PAIN IN THE KNEES


SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS What is it? Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is an inflammatory disease of unknown cause. Disease outbreak is triggered by unknown external agents (virus, bacteria, chemical agents, ultraviolet radiation) entering the immune system of an individual having various genes that wrongly induce an inadequate production of antibodies. . These antibodies are directed against… Continuar lendo SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS